Presumably designed for lovers to woo their would-be conquests with song, it was instead bastardized by Ryan and I as we sang a whole-hearted version of Coolio's 'Gangsta's Paradise' to a bewildered Kai Winter, who then asked to be taken back to his hotel, presumably to call his friends back home and tell them about the bizarre North American customs of Cops and Waffle House songsmanship.
So to summarize, Deelite 7's closing chapter never happened. The venue was immediately closed by police, JK disappeared, (along with all of the ticket money), and a very disgruntled Ottawa rave populace spent the next few years bitching about the entire situation. The entire debacle was a financial disaster for my partner Ryan, who had to deal with many pissed off DJ's who had been left completely in the dark about the entire situation, some until the next afternoon! It was several years before the financial and reputation damages had been completely accounted for. Botched planning and sketchy character had destroyed an Ottawa institution that has yet to be revived. No one remembers the 6 successful events leading up to the Portugese Rave-Soccer disaster - they only remember the disaster.
Don't throw a rave.