I�m just going to come right out and say it. If you are thinking about throwing a rave � don�t. In all fairness, I should probably qualify that statement: don�t throw a rave unless you are prepared to lose a lot of money, a lot of time, and lot of illusions about how the music industry works.

I became involved in the rave scene quite by accident. In 1998, I got a phone call on a Thursday, from my best friend at the time. It went something like this:

Him: �Hey, I have kind of a weird favour to ask you. I need $1000 today, and I can give it back to you Monday.�

Me: �Sure.�

And so with that innocuous exchange, I became embroiled in an enterprise that would last the next 7 years of my life. With an 18 year old�s judgement, and access to a credit line earmarked for my school expenses, I partially funded an event 400 kilometres from my home. I had never even been to a rave.

Of course, my friend was true to his word, and my money was returned exactly when he told me it was. As a teenager, the concept of �interest� did not occur naturally to me, and I was content with the knowledge that I had helped out a friend. It was in this spirit that I gradually became more and more involved.

And of course, as with any interesting enterprise, over the course of the years I have accumulated a number of amusing, sad, terrifying, and above all bizarre stories. These are tales I have either witnessed directly, or that have been related to me by fellow travellers in this strange realm. I have decided to finally let these tales seek a larger audience. When I first began to discuss the idea of sharing our rave stories, several of my comrades expressed an interest in contributing their own weird rave yarns. And so I have created this repository - a place for us all to finally relate to the rest of the world one important message:

Don't Throw A Rave.
Do you have any bizarre tales of rave - sketchiness that you would like to contribute? Click Here!